Terms and Conditions

Agreement between website/ blog visitor (User/Reader/You) and www.CottontailAcres.com (Site/Us/We/Our/Cottontail Acres)

Welcome to www.CottontailAcres.com! Throughout the site, there are many pages and pictures to entertain you. By using the site and clicking on the various pages and pictures, you acknowledge the policies and you give your written agreement to all points of the “Terms and Conditions” outlined below.

www.CottontailAcres.com is a website and blog meant to entertain readers with stories about living in the country, raising animals, and celebrating family. No one at the site is, or claims to be, a physician or a veterinarian. We don’t even work in either one of these professions. Things we write about do not constitute medical advice and are not intended to be a substitute for appropriate medical care, for people or animals. We strongly recommend that you seek professional care instead of relying on our amateur information. Cottontail Acres and www.CottontailAcres.com is our hobby. Our experiences are based on sweat, tears, trial and error, and a lot of luck. We aren’t experts, and we don’t claim to be experts at anything we write about. You need to use common sense when following the information on the site. If you are building or making something and/or working with animals, appropriate safety precautions must be taken. We are not responsible if you get hurt, have an accident, incur expenses, don’t have the same results, or are otherwise unlucky when duplicating anything on the site.

Account Registration and Access

If you register on the site, it’s your responsibility to keep your account safe by not sharing your account information with anyone. You are responsible for anyone who uses your account information on the site and for anything they do with your account. If someone wants to use your account on the site, we suggest that s/he sign up for their own account. It’s easy and we always welcome new visitors. We aren’t responsible for anyone’s actions when using our site, which includes you or anyone who uses your account login information.

We don’t intentionally collect, either online or offline, personal information from kids under the age of thirteen. Anyone under the age of eighteen who wants to visit the site is required to have permission from a parent or guardian. Being on the site constitutes a parent or guardian’s written permission for minors to visit. 

Links to Other Websites

Our site pages might contain links to other websites, affiliate links, and/or advertising links. We have no control over what other websites do and we have no responsibility for what content they present, the validity of their content, how they conduct themselves, what security measures they have in place, what disclosures and policies they have, or for any links they have on their website. In other words, we only have control over ourselves and aren’t responsible for anything any of the other websites out there do, even if we provide a link to them.


We always tell the cats to be nice and get along with each other. The site is our hobby and we enjoy sharing our experiences with you.  We are allowing you to visit the site. You are not allowed to do anything to take away from our enjoyment of it (or the validity of it) by ruining, disabling, or damaging the site or its reputation in any way. Like with the cats, let’s be nice and get along so we can enjoy each other’s company.

We work hard on the site and we take pride in it. Everything on the site is our property– design, graphics, logos, pictures, content, opinions, etc. It is all protected by copyright and other applicable laws that protect intellectual property and property rights. You cannot download, copy, distribute, make changes to, and/or publish online or in-person anything on the site for commercial use without our prior written permission. If you intend to use anything on this site for commercial use without our prior written permission, it constitutes theft and illegal activity and will be punishable to the maximum extent allowable by law. Don’t do it! Stealing information for commercial use isn’t worth the legal headaches. You may print certain pages or articles for your own private use, but you cannot use it for commercial use. By visiting the site, you agree to follow all copyright and other laws protecting the contents of the site; and you acknowledge that you have no licenses and/or legal rights to anything on the site. 


By emailing us, commenting on a post, and visiting the site, you are communicating with us electronically. When doing these things, you are giving us written permission to respond back to you electronically.

We encourage comments on our site pages and participation from readers. Although we have no responsibility to monitor comments and participation on the site, we reserve the right to do so if we want to. We also have the right to delete/edit comments and stop participation that we determine to be rude, improper, inappropriate, harmful, threatening, vulgar, irrelevant, violates the privacy of others, or for any reason we want. While free speech is important to us, this is our site and we have the right to limit free speech on our site. By visiting the site, you acknowledge and agree to our right to limit your free speech. We also have the right to cancel accounts at any time, and for any reason, without notice, and without cause. We aren’t responsible for accounts that have been closed either by you or by us.

Due to the nature of the world we live in, we ask that you be very careful about giving out personal and identifying information about you or your children anywhere on the site. We want our readers to be safe so please protect your information during comments and participation. We can’t be held responsible for anything that happens if you disclose personal and/or identifying information on the site.

Just like you have no ownership or rights to material and content on our site, we don’t claim ownership or rights to information, graphics, pictures, etc. you upload or submit to us on the site. However, you do give us written permission to copy, distribute, reformat, edit, reproduce, and display publically these things the minute you submit them to us.  You also give us permission to display your name publically on your submission. We aren’t obligated to compensate you for your submission and we aren’t obligated to use your submissions on the site.


We aren’t experts in homesteading, animal care, parenting, education, and other topics found on the site. You have to do your own research to see if the methods we use in our home and on our homestead will work in your situation. Each situation is unique and everything we do is not a “one size fits all” type of endeavor. We won’t be held responsible if our methods don’t work for you. Part of the independence of living on a homestead is coming up with your own ways of doing things. By visiting the site, you agree that we will not be held responsible for any accidents, losses, costs, liabilities, and/or expenses (including medical and/or attorney’s fees) incurred to people, animals, and property arising from visiting any and every aspect of the site.

We may, from time to time, change our minds with respect to how we care for our animals and/or run the homestead. We are constantly learning as we go and sometimes we figure out different and more efficient ways of doing things. We have full authority and rights to make changes to the site at any time without notice. We’re human. We make mistakes. Sometimes there are typographical errors, sometimes the information we give is inaccurate, sometimes the information we give is outdated, sometimes we change the methods of how we do things and update the site accordingly, sometimes we learn new information to add to an older page, and sometimes we need to change things up a bit and redesign the site. Changes to the site can occur as frequently as we choose.

By visiting the site, you agree that: We make no guarantees or warranties that the information on the site and/or services provided by the site will apply to you. We aren’t responsible if you are unable to visit the site or if the site is down for any reason due to technical difficulties, computer/network/hosting problems, power failures, etc. We aren’t responsible if you are unhappy with any part of the site. We aren’t responsible if you are unhappy with the end results of trying to duplicate something seen or read about on the site. We aren’t responsible for damage, injury, or losses to humans, animals, and property due to you attempting something seen or read about on the site.

You should always have virus protection on your computer. We aren’t responsible for any viruses, spam, malicious attacks, etc. to your computer caused by visiting the site or by clicking on any of the links on the site.

Out of State and Foreign Users

The site is managed and operated in the State of Colorado, United States of America. The laws of the State of Colorado govern all aspects of the site’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. If you don’t live in the State of Colorado and your state won’t enforce all of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you agree to allow the State of Colorado to have jurisdiction over any disputes relating to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. If you are visiting the site from outside the United States of America, it is your responsibility to not only comply with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies, but you are also responsible for complying with the laws applicable to your country.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions

There are times when we might need to add to, update, or change some of the polices in the Terms and Conditions.  We have the absolute right to do so without notice to you. The most recent version of the Terms and Conditions will be the one to follow. The entire policy will be included on the site. Every so often you should come back to this page and make sure nothing has been changed or added.


Although we’d hate to see you go, if you don’t agree to the terms outlined here or any changes made to the terms, you should immediately stop visiting the site because visiting the site tells us you agree with all of the terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the Terms and Conditions, please contact us!

Last updated July 19, 2019