Below are pictures of Opal’s injuries. Heads Up!! The pictures below are graphic!! You might want to leave this page if you don’t want to see them!!
When we take in animals, we’re never sure what challenges we’re going to face. Some of the animals are healthy and some have serious medical issues.
The Attack
Opal was one of the animals we brought in who had serious medical issues. She was so bad that weren’t sure if she was going to make it. She came to us when her previous owner’s dog attacked and killed all but one turkey and one chicken out of a flock of a dozen. Opal and the surviving chicken, Robin, were in really bad shape after the attack. Their owner wasn’t sure how to help them so she brought them to us.
Robin had dislocated legs and internal worms. Once we were able to get her legs set back in place and rid her of the worms, she was doing better. We kept her in a bedroom for two months until we were confident she would be able to get around on her legs and to make sure the worms were completely gone before exposing her to our other chickens.

Opal spent three months in the bathroom. We couldn’t let her outside because we had to keep her wounds clean and we had to keep a very close eye on her to make sure she was eating and drinking during recovery. Although most of the serious injuries were to her back, Opal also had wounds on her legs and stomach. We cleaned her wounds out several times a day with Betadine and packed the wounds with silver ointment and Bag Balm.