We have a goose named Mellow. Mellow came to us after her flock was attacked by coyotes. She was the only survivor of the attack. Her owner, a teenage boy, was very attached to her and even let her sleep in his bedroom. He was devastated by having to give her up, but he knew she would be happier being around other birds and wanted to do what was right for her. He came back and visited Mellow several times after bringing her to us. Each time he came, he brought handfuls of treats for her. The bond between the two of them is unbreakable and we told him no matter how much time has passed if he’s ever ready to have her back we’d let her go back to him. Until that time comes, she’s got a home with us.

100% Goose
Mellow is 100% goose! She yells loudly, pinches hard, and chases us when we go into her yard. We know we’re in trouble when we go into her yard and she yells at us and charges towards us with her head hanging low. Sometimes she likes to cuddle, but most of the time she just likes to yell and pinch! She loves her pool! Her silliness when she splashes around in her pool makes us laugh.
Mellow lives in a heated house with straw bedding. Like with the ducks, we tried using aspen wood shavings for her bedding, but the wood shavings kept sticking to her wet feet. Mellow eats a high protein gamebird food that is supplemented with grains, mealworms, and fruits/vegetables. She also gets a calcium supplement.