Join us at the trough and dig in!
Scroll down or click here to find links to recipes, menus, and
all things food-related.
food philosophy
Our food philosophy is simple:
We eat what we like. That includes meat, sweets, and carbs.
We eat when we’re hungry. Snacks are a good thing.
We don’t hold ourselves to strict diets. There’s always room for dessert.
nourishing body and soul
We eat well about 85% of the time. We make up for a meal that isn’t especially great by eating well the next time we eat.
The food we eat makes us feel good, both physically and emotionally. Caring for the animals and the farm keeps us physically active. And we’re always working through emergencies which take a lot of emotional energy. When we eat healthy meals, we’re replenishing our bodies and souls so we can do it all over again the next day.
home cookin’
There are times when we can’t sit down together for a home-cooked meal because an emergency arises with one of the animals or because of crazy schedules. Things tend to come up quickly so we sometimes have to rearrange what we’re doing at the last minute and pick up food when we’re out.
cooking from scratch
We don’t cook everything from scratch. We will when we can, but it doesn’t happen for every meal. All we can do is the best that we’re able to and sometimes that means throwing together things from a can or a jar.
recipes, menus, & all things food-related
Recipes for Human Food
lunch and dinner
sauces and dressings
seasonal and holidays
side dishes
soup and stew
this and that
Recipes for Pet Food & Treats
cat treats
dog treats
mouse food
pig treats
rat food
sugar glider diet
Thanksgiving menu
Seasonal Produce List
cake decorating
keeping food expenses down