Meet the Farm Dogs!
The farm dogs are intelligent, extremely active, and love their life on the farm.
Koda is a Shetland Sheepdog, also known as a “Sheltie”. He was born on October 3, 2023 and joined our family on December 6, 2023. He’s an adorably energetic, lovable teddy bear. He’s sweet, timid towards strangers, and loves to run around the farm. We adopted Koda from someone who would eventually like to get into breeding Shelties but wasn’t quite ready to when Koda’s (surprise) litter came along. The person wanted to rehome the puppies as quickly as possible. Tabby had been wanting a Sheltie forever, so she jumped on the opportunity without any hesitation. Koda loves his little Dachshund brother, Kirby, and his kitty, Oliver.

Bandit is a miniature Australian Shepherd, also known as an “Aussie”. He was born on August 17, 2024, and joined our family on October 26, 2024. Like Koda, he was a surprise litter who had to be rehomed as soon as he was old enough to leave his mom. We learned about his need for a home and immediately made arrangements to adopt him. Bandit. Is. Wild!! If we could bottle his energy, we’d be living like royalty. He’s fearless, curious, and loves to run and play. Did I mention he’s a bit energetic? He runs circles around the other dogs. He loves Koda as much as he loves running. He’s starting to learn how to herd the chickens into the coop at night.

Meet the Dachshunds!
Meet the Dachshund pack! Chili, Cassie, Kirby, and Annie! Each pup is unique from the others, not just in age and fur color, but also in personality.
Chili is a miniature Dachshund who was born in Texas on June 13, 2019. When he came home to us on August 9, 2019, he weighed under three pounds. We call him “The Law”. He’s always right there when we have to remind the cats to get off the countertops or the t.v., and he keeps everyone in line. He’s so protective of Cassie and Kirby and is a wonderful big brother! Although there’s a big age difference between him and Cassie, he knows how to adjust the roughness of his playing and is really gentle with her.

Cassie joined our family on February 5, 2020. We held her little paw as she crossed Rainbow Bridge on April 13, 2024.
We think Cassie was born around 2010. Someone found her all alone, roaming the plains in eastern Colorado and took her to the Humane Society. After Tabitha saw her profile online, Doug rushed over to the shelter and put a deposit/hold on her just in case her family didn’t claim her. When she arrived at the shelter, she was missing five teeth. Because of her bad teeth and jaw, the day before we brought her home, the shelter pulled twenty-six teeth. She was in a lot of pain after the surgery, but she’s doing great now. Although she plays with Chili and Kirby, her favorite thing to do is curl up on a blanket on the couch and snuggle with us.

Kirby is the baby of the Dachshund pack. He’s a miniature long-haired Dachshund. He was born on December 15, 2019, and we brought him home on February 8, 2020 when he weighed only three pounds. He had severe separation anxiety when we first brought him home, but since Tabitha started leaving classical music on for him when he’s in his playpen, the severity of his anxiety has improved. Kirby is a love bug! He loves Cassie and Chili but prefers to sit on our laps over anything else.

Annie found us on November 13, 2021. Our sweet little Annie crossed Rainbow Bridge on October 11, 2022. She was a long-haired Dachshund. Her veterinarian thought she was around thirteen years old when she found us. This is her story.

Puppy Fun
The dogs are goofy balls of energy! They love the open floor space of the house and run at full-speed after each other and the cats.
They love going through the house and gathering up all of the cat toys to put in their puppy toy pile.
Chili loves playing fetch with his favorite ball named Chomp. He’ll play fetch with Chomp for hours at a time. We have to hide Chomp just so he stops running and takes a break.
Only Indoors
The dogs are indoor dogs. They get bathroom time and closely supervised playtime outside. We have to be extra careful about watching them outside because we have a lot of predators on the property such as owls, hawks, eagles, and coyotes that don’t make great companions with small dogs.
We feed the dogs a raw diet that is supplemented with dry kibble and canned wet food. They also get treats during training time. Cassie doesn’t let her lack of teeth stop her from eating and has a bigger appetite than the boys!